Theory of Change

  • Miriam Rachel Amar

    October 3, 2022 at 12:49 am

    This initiative serves to document the progress and relevance of the RAZ Finance Theory of Change

    RAZ Finance initially emerged as a private social network for the impact investing space, and was launched in September 2020.

    The original Impact page content was:

    The problem:

    While progress is being made towards the emergence of a regenerative economy, opportunities for collaboration among stakeholders, access to tools and resources, and financial models, are dispersed and varied.

    Our entry point:

    The development of the RAZ Finance Network serves to organize communication, training, tools and resources across the regenerative economic landscape and facilitate the realization of positive outcomes through a secure online platform.

    The initial Theory of Change is attached for reference purposes. RAZ Finance initially emerged as a private social network for the impact investing space, and was launched in September 2020.

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